Friday, November 27, 2020

Trump Was Right to Pardon Michael Flynn

Anyone questioning the merits of President Donald Trump's decision to pardon Michael Flynn should read the Justice Department's summary of its interview with FBI agent William Barnett on Sept. 17, 2020.

In May, the Justice Department dropped its prosecution of Flynn for making false statements to the FBI regarding his conversations with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. during the presidential transition in 2016.

What the interview makes clear is that Barnett was persuaded that Flynn did not collude or conspire with Russia during the 2016 campaign.

Barnett's interview is not the only piece of recently disclosed evidence that casts serious doubt on the bureau's conduct in the Flynn affair, but it is the most compelling.

While the agents concluded that Flynn had not knowingly lied to them, the inconsistency between Flynn's interview and the transcript of his phone conversations was enough to keep the probe open.

His interview summary says that after reviewing the transcripts of Flynn's conversation, he did not "See what the significant issue or 'rub' was." It says the transcript of Flynn's phone calls did not change Barnett's view that Flynn "Was not compromised by the Russians." This is not surprising.

The FBI should have dropped its investigation into Flynn before Trump took the oath of office. 

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