Friday, November 27, 2020

Barack Obama Hates Joe Biden, the Truth, and Man Jeans

Last week it became painfully clear to me that Barack Obama's latest fit of spotlight-hogging wasn't going to end any time soon.

Obama and his people will probably insist that the tour was set up by the publisher and the fact that it coincides with the immediate aftermath of the election is pure coincidence.

The disrespect for Joe Biden here is hard to deny, and it's classic Obama.

Obama obviously knew that his turn as the belle of the post-election Attention Whore Ball could potentially shove Grandpa Gropes into the background at a time when he should be enjoying his greatest triumph.

Barack Obama has only a casual relationship with the truth.

The only real hope we have to get Obama out of the news for a while is to send him off to write another memoir.

National Security Being Left to the Whims of Diversity Hiring President-elect Joe Biden nominates the first woman to lead intelligence and first Latino to head homeland security. 

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