Sunday, November 29, 2020

About A Biden Presidency.

It is always wise to remember some of the things presidential wannabe, Joe Biden, has said in the not so distant past. This one is a classic. Quote: "Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden made an odd statement on Thursday while campaigning in Iowa, telling a group of supporters “we choose truth over facts.” Biden, 76, was presumably referring to the Democrat Party when he told the audience: “We choose science over fiction; we choose truth over facts.”   The obvious problem with this statement is that everyone knows that the political left is famous for ignoring hard facts and relying on their made-up truths over actual facts to convince Americans to believe their incessant falsehoods. That is what they do all the time.   So, this episode was one time when Joe Biden actually told the truth. And his claim that Democrats "choose science over fiction" is laughable on its face.

This item reveals just one of many reasons how wrong it is that Joe Biden could well be president of the United State in six weeks or so. Quote: "First, he told people it was their “patriotic duty” to “forego family traditions” for Thanksgiving because of the Wuhan coronavirus. Joe Biden urges nation to 'forgo family traditions' on Thanksgiving — New York Post (@nypost) November 25, 2020 They couldn’t even get the attempted “halo” picture right with the pictures, instead it came out looking like old Joe had sprouted horns. Biden said, “We find ourselves again facing a long, hard winter.” And, Then he screwed up again: "But then “devout Catholic” Biden really went over the slide when he tried to quote the Psalms. Or perhaps I should say The “Palms.” "Devout Catholic" Joe Biden doesn't know the "P" in "Psalmist" is silent, not the "s". — Howie Carr (@HowieCarrShow) November 25, 2020 Oh my. He’s clearly reading off a teleprompter again and has absolutely no idea what he’s even saying."

I'm sorry folks but it looks like the Biden administration will be a complete redo of the bad decisions Obama made while president. Too many of Biden's appointments are reruns of failed policy wonks that worked for Obama. A return to the enormously bad times of the Obama years are in the works. High unemployment, bad economy, government dependence, divisiveness, racial agitation and criminal activity, support for Iran terrorist activities, a return of China interference in US institutions and trade, outright government corruption, expansion of even bigger federal bureaucracy and much more that characterized the Obama years will return if Biden actually gets into office. It may well be Biden's one term will be even worse than Obama's two terms.  It is clear that behind the scenes Obama is in control.  Maybe even worse will be the destruction of evidence of the criminal activities committed by Obama, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Biden and many others will be sanitized or expunged for ever.  Democrats should never, ever again have positions of power in our government. They have demonstrated that have no regard for us or our country.  The evidence???  They have aggressively and irresponsibly given us a demented fool pretending he is competent enough to be our nation's president.  Obama's unethical, even criminal, shadow government is now in full view. May this nightmare pass, God willing.

The appeals to join Biden and unite behind him fall on deaf ears. Biden and other left wingers have for four long years lambasted Trump and his supporters with unspeakable names, even declared that we should be arrested and sent to reeducation camps for supporting him. They have even called for our elimination and more. Now that they think Biden will be president we should just suck it up and join forces and support him. That appeal is not persuasive. They set the standard for the lowest possible form of obstruction of Trump and exhibited the worse behavior in recent history against a sitting president and deserve no cooperation from us.  However, rest assured we will not act like the rabid animals they have for four long years because such behavior is not part of our nature. Quote: "Excuse me if I’m not willing to “unite” under a Biden-Harris administration. For the past four years I’ve endured the fake news stories of Russian collusion, impeachment (I can’t remember on what grounds), children in cages, Melania’s wardrobe, Ivanka’s wardrobe, Trump’s diet, and on and on. I’m experiencing PTSD just writing about the trauma the media and establishment forces have inflicted on conservatives for the past five years. The dishonest and distorted reporting from the media never ends. This week, President Trump directed the head of the federal agency responsible for presidential transitions to begin releasing funds for a potential Biden presidential transition. At the same time, the president clearly stated he is conceding nothing and will continue his legal challenges against widespread voter fraud. Here is the Yahoo News headline  “In latest blow to Trump, GSA administrator releases transition funds to Biden.” Yahoo goes on to explain, “Trump has pursued a legal strategy to try to overturn the will of the voters in key battleground states where Biden was declared the winner.” Declared the winner? By whom? By the media?" Get a load of this CNN headline: "“Trump’s effort to steal the election is done,” with this follow up sub-headline “President Donald Trump’s not-secret attempt to steal the presidential election likely met its end Monday.”   The irony of that headline is staggering. It is well established that Democrat corruption was rampant throughout the entire election cycle in an effort to steal the election from Trump. Consequently, it is a certainty that little cooperation will be afforded Biden either by elected Republicans or we the people should he end up the winner. But what happens will not even approach the behavior of Democrats the last four or more years. But whether or not Biden wins the election or not remains undetermined notwithstanding what the Mainstream Media says. So, stand by as things unfold...maybe a bombshell is still out there.

This is another example of the hutzpah the political left claims that they want to unify the country behind Biden and Harris, two of the most polarizing people on the planet. This item explains the reality of the unity the political left seeks. It is in fact the very opposite of what Trump actually tried to do but hate filled left wing denizens worked tooth and nail to prevent it just because it did not align with their divisive anti-American agenda.  Quote: "Democrats Want Unity Only on Their Terms. Many Trump haters have been lying all along about President Donald Trump, what he stands for, what his record has been, and who his supporters are. Now they tell us they want unity. What Trump wants -- and want his supporters want -- is for America to reclaim its greatness, its robust liberty tradition, its prosperity, the integrity of its borders, fair trade deals with foreign nations, and its military strength. He has made great strides in achieving these goals.       Trump's opponents -- the media, Democrats, never-Trump Republicans -- have never given him a moment's rest, never a benefit of the doubt, never an atom of cooperation or bipartisanship. They haven't just served as the loyal opposition, resisting his agenda like the minority party is expected to do. They have never let him govern. From the time he stepped on the political stage, they've harassed, investigated, bullied, impeached and censored him. The media has tormented Trump, ignored and distorted his accomplishments, and shown him in a 100% negative light for his entire term. Never in my lifetime have I seen such one-sided coverage. They have deliberately misrepresented his words to paint him as a bigot. They have claimed his immigration policies are driven by racism, rather than a desire to protect our borders and ensure the orderly process of legal immigration. They have relentlessly hammered this into the national psyche to where millions upon millions of Americans not only believe it but also believe racism animates all Trump supporters. Just remember there was a time in the recent past when both parties agreed that we must control our borders and prosecute illegal immigration. Most of the charges against Trump are over-the-top outrageous. Joe Biden, whom the media characterize as a nice, harmless fellow, has portrayed Trump as a racist and has said Trump is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID-19. Anyone with a smidgeon of intellectual integrity knows this is patently absurd. Trump put his all into fighting this virus, and for partisan opportunists to blame him for its death and destruction is indescribably vicious. But in our society, in which hating Trump has become a popular blood sport, no libel is too low. I've never believed that this incessant hatred toward Trump was just about Trump. The left has villainized every Republican president in recent memory and, for several generations, has defamed all Republicans as heartless bigots."

George Burns


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