Friday, November 27, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Calls Supreme Court's Church Lockdown Ruling 'Irrelevant'

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday bitterly dismissed the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling against his coronavirus restrictions on religious services, claiming the decision is "Irrelevant."

On Wednesday evening, the high court ruled in favor 5-4 with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Orthodox Jewish synagogues in their lawsuit alleging Cuomo's gathering restrictions, which limited house of worship attendance from 10 to 25 people, violated religious freedom under the First Amendment.

"The Supreme Court made a ruling. It's more illustrative of the Supreme Court than anything else," Cuomo told reporters on a conference call, the New York Post said.

"It doesn't have any practical effect," he added.

"The lawsuit was about the Brooklyn zone. The Brooklyn zone no longer exists as a red zone. That's muted. So that restriction is no longer in effect. That situation just doesn't exist because those restrictions are gone."

Newly-confirmed Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the bench's conservative justices.

The court said in an unsigned opinion that stemming the spread of the deadly and infectious coronavirus is compelling public interest, but the measures affecting places of worship are far more restrictive than measures seen in other cases that have come before the justices and tighter than those applied to worse-hit areas. 

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