Friday, November 27, 2020

Politicians: Sheriff stand down to rioters but go after law abiding citizens

In an interview on the Fox Business Network show "Evening Edit", a New York sheriff criticized politicians that have ordered police to stand down to rioters while simultaneously demanding they enforce coronavirus restrictions.

Sheriff Giardino's bravery in standing up to tyrannical politicians is admirable but not uncharacteristic of him.

The attitude of sheriffs in New York state is becoming common in the US with more and more law enforcement officers refusing to enforce the orders of overbearing politicians.

"We've now heard from every Sheriff in our SoCal viewing area. San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura, & Riverside Counties will not actively enforce the curfew order. LA Sheriff will take a voluntary compliance/education first approach, will not make any arrests related to order".

FULTON COUNTY, NY - New York's Governor Cuomo has laid down the law when it comes to regulations about how New York residents can celebrate the holidays, but one upstate Sheriff boldly states that his people won't be enforcing these policies.

Sheriff Giardino has said that Governor Cuomo's Thanksgiving executive order is overreach and is "Scaring the hell out of people." He also said that what "People do in their homes is private" and not in the purview of law enforcement.

As a Sheriff with a law degree, I couldn't, in good faith, attempt to defend it in court, so I won't. 

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