Friday, November 27, 2020

The Media's Most Fevered Conspiracy Theory Just Died a Fiery Death

Remember, these are the same people who insisted for four long years that Donald Trump was a Russian agent, that the 2016 election was "Hacked," and that Hillary Clinton had the election "Stolen" from her.

Well, Trump just blew up the media's most current, fevered conspiracy theory.

Trump says he'll leave White House if Biden declared winner of Electoral College.

While the expectation that Trump would attempt some kind of military coup was always ridiculous, the real reason behind its prevalence was because the media and their left-wing base desire to see Trump punished.

If the electoral college selects Joe Biden in December, Trump will leave office and Biden will be sworn in.

That's a reality that even Trump himself has accepted, though he's never promised to stop fighting until all options are exhausted.

None of the wild conspiracy theories the media have pushed are real, and that's been obvious for a very long time. 

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