Monday, November 30, 2020

Joe Biden, Job Robber

Despite its holes, the law still applies to a large group of workers who don't have enough political influence to gain exemptions from Sacramento.

While Californians are still fighting for their freedom to work, Biden and congressional Democrats are scheming to make the PRO Act federal law.

AB5 stripped workers of their freedom to move from company to company; to make their own hours so they can juggle work, school and family; to avoid lousy bosses; to earn money to pay for emergencies; and to supplement their primary income.

Workers are trapped beneath the weight of AB5, and many rightfully resent it.

Entrepreneurs who could build successful businesses and create jobs by relying on contract workers are blocked by AB5.Both the U.S. and Californian constitutions guarantee equal protection under the law.

AB5 is a government boot on workers' throats, a malign and destructive force.

With no opposition to check it, the party that says it stands with the working man will spread the cruelty nationwide and make American workers' lives miserable while pushing the fiction that the only thriving and happy workers are union members. 

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