Sunday, November 29, 2020

The Definitive Case Proving Donald Trump Won the Election

It flags four individual vote dumps critical to Joe Biden's "Victory" in these states and shows, convincingly, that their ratios of Biden votes to Trump votes were profoundly anomalous when compared to other dumps in those states and virtually every other vote dump across the country.

The report is based on an analysis of the difference between successive updates in each state, each of which it calls "Vote updates." In online discourse, these are often referred to as "Vote dumps" or "Vote batches."

Shows how crucial these were to Joe Biden's election in MI, WI, and GA. Most damningly, shows how Joe Biden likely would have lost these states - and the election - were these only more "Spiky" than 99% of all vote dumps.

The report describes a measurement for showing the relationship between the number of votes Biden wins by in any given vote dump, and how well he did as a ratio of Trump's votes in that vote dump, while controlling for size and political lean of a state.

The key mathematical reason why these vote spikes are anomalous is that for every large vote dump heavily favoring Biden in any given area, you also would expect to have smaller vote dumps in the same area which favor him by similar margins.

Four of the seven most extreme vote dumps decided the election for Joe Biden.

The odds of these three states being so well-represented at the top of the distribution is just over 1%. And when you factor in that a vote dump in GA is the 9th most extreme point, the odds that these three states have five of the top ten most extreme vote dumps drop to less than 1%. Clearly, there's something different about these states than others, including other blue states, or even other Midwestern states where a deep-blue urban population offsets the red rest of the state, or states like Colorado, Texas, or Oregon, where the urban areas are also vastly more Democratic than the rest of the state. 

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