Monday, November 30, 2020

Mr. President: Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Investigate Election Gate

President Donald Trump said he is considering appointing a special prosecutor to probe former intelligence officials and investigators involved in surveilling his 2016 campaign as well as the Nov. 3 election.

The focus: the allegation that President Richard Nixon's campaign - if not Nixon himself - was involved in an attempt to steal the 1972 presidential election by sending in burglars to bug the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee, and setting up a "Dirty tricks" operation that would "Screw up" the campaigns of various Democratic candidates for president.

Among the actions listed were "Unlawful early processing of absentee ballots," allegations of corrupted voting system companies operating as tools of foreign governments, deliberately and unlawfully keeping legitimate election observers from doing their jobs, voting while dead, state officials unlawfully overriding the authority of state legislatures, and a complete disregard for the Fourteenth Amendment.

The headline is a reference to a Politico story that does indeed reveal that 79% of Trump supporters believe the 2020 election was in fact stolen.

Which is to say, almost 79 percent of Trump's almost 74 million voters believe they were deliberately, willfully robbed of an honest election.

In other words, if a Special Prosecutor was needed to investigate Watergate, which Democrats of the day said was an unlawful attempt to steal the 1972 election and then cover up the attempt? Then there is, based on the evidence thus far uncovered and detailed in the Trump campaign lawsuits, more than enough evidence for the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate ElectionGate.

If a President Biden objects? Then he, like President Nixon, can fire the Special Prosecutor. 

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