Monday, November 30, 2020

Expert Cites Evidence Suggesting Roughly 100k Trump Votes Have Vanished From Dominion Count

Trying to keep all of these different voting SNAFU's straight isn't easy but the voters still deserve answers anyway.

Even harder to come up with is an explanation for why the vote number for one of the candidates might DROP during counting.

Vote tabulation data in various battleground states contain "Anomalies" with massive swings toward Joe Biden that suggest missing ballots for President Trump, according to data expert Justin Hart, who helped raise millions of dollars for Mitt Romney's 2012 presidential campaign.

Trump has retweeted charts from Hart questioning vote tabulations, including retweeting Hart's calculation showing that Trump would have had to lose votes in Pennsylvania if the real-time, individual, timed stamped entries from The New York Times were accurate.

Hart said his analysis was used in a Pennsylvania legislative hearing Wednesday with numerous witnesses alleging voter fraud and voter irregularities.

"This chart: the 25 data dumps where Trump LOST votes from the Dominion feeds. 97,676 votes LOST! And Biden GAINED 160K+ votes!".

While the Times released percentage changes and did not release raw vote numbers, Hart said his analysis of Pennsylvania was based on the percentage change that would have had to have occurred to have that level of swing toward Biden and away from Trump, which would yield votes lost for the president if the tally was accurate. 

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