Monday, November 2, 2020

Obama or Trump: Who Has Done More for Blacks in America?

McKee, author of the book "How Obama Failed Black America and How Trump Is Helping It: The Dirty Little Secret That the Media Won't Tell You," says he closely observed actions taken by President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump to help the black community.

Virginia Allen: I am joined by Clarence McKee, president and founder of McKee Communications Inc. and author of the book "How Obama Failed Black America and How Trump Is Helping It." Clarence, welcome to the show.

So if you could just talk a little bit about what prompted you to begin writing about both President [Donald] Trump and President [Barack] Obama and what they have and haven't done for the black community.

It means more to a lot of blacks in this country than a lot of other issues; meant a lot in Florida.

Being independent as we were If you go before the 1960s, when blacks owned a lot of their own businesses and didn't count on the government, the black families were stronger then than they were now.

McKee: Well, what about a white boy who is born in Appalachia who is very, very poor? What are his chances compared to a black born in Look at the Obama kids, versus a white boy or girl in Appalachia.

The book, "How Obama Failed Black America and How Trump Is Helping It," is available on Amazon, so we will be sure to put a link in the show notes today, so you all can order your own copy. 

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