Monday, April 1, 2019

Time to Stop the Democrats' Obstruction

It's been 354 days and counting in Senate purgatory for the president's nominee to head the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

These are just a few examples of the historic obstruction Senate Democrats have visited upon President Trump's nominees for two years and counting.

Since January 2017, for the first time in memory, a minority has exploited procedure to systematically obstruct a president from staffing up his administration.

This new, across-the-board obstruction is unfair to the president and to the American people.

Across the first two years of each of the six presidents preceding President Trump, the Senate only had to hold 24 total cloture votes on nominations.

In January 2013, as President Obama began his second term, I and many other Senate Republicans joined with Democrats to enact bipartisan reform of our nominations rules.

Democrats overwhelmingly supported changes like these in 2013 when they helped President Obama.

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