Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Death Of Education In America

What I experienced was the slow death of education in America.

Instead, education is often a form of social control, or merely a means to an end, purely instrumental rather than inspirational.

Nowadays, education in America is about training for a vocation, at least for some.

All this is a preface to Belle Chesler's stunning article at, "Making American Schools Less Great Again: A Lesson in Educational Nihilism on a Grand Scale." A high school visual arts teacher, Chesler writes from the heart about the chronic underfunding of education and how it is constricting democracy in America.

The truth of the matter is that a society that refuses to adequately invest in the education of its children is refusing to invest in the future.

We just don't choose to prioritize education spending and so send a loud-and-clear message to students that education doesn't truly matter.

When you essentially defund education for more than 40 years, you leave kids with ever less faith in American institutions, which is a genuine tragedy.

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