Tuesday, April 23, 2019

It has started: Nasty, irrelevant, media smear campaign against Stephen Moore

Now it's put out a nasty hit job with just that logic it criticized, under an august and measured-looking articled headlined: "As Herman Cain Bows Out of Fed Contention, Focus Shifts to Stephen Moore."

In his columns, published in the early 2000s by the conservative magazine National Review, some of which were first reported by CNN, he complained that women are "Sooo malleable" because his wife at the time voted for a Democrat, based on a campaign commercial.

In other pieces, Mr. Moore said that female tennis players "Want equal pay for inferior work" and called it a "Travesty" that women wanted to play pickup basketball with men.

"Here's the rule change I propose," Mr. Moore wrote in 2002.

"No more women refs, no women announcers, no women beer vendors, no women anything. There is, of course, an exception to this rule. Women are permitted to participate, if and only if, they look like Bonnie Bernstein. The fact that Bonnie knows nothing about basketball is entirely irrelevant."

What on earth do Moore's women issues have to do with his capacity to make wise monetary decisions on the Fed board? The answer is absolutely nothing.

More to the point, how much effort did it take to uncover those hoary details? And why wasn't the fact that Moore has reconciled with his ex-wife since then added to the story, it seems to be rather relevant? Who did it - was it a leftist opposition research firm, leaking for dollars? This kind of 'research' took some creep beavering away in the public records dumpsters and Bessie-Maeing with malevolent neighbors or relatives over very past issues that have long been resolved, and that ought to be the real story, because the picture painted is false and they know it.


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