Sunday, April 21, 2019

Without Russia hoax, Dems will have to look for new scandal to run on

There's another aspect to why Democrat candidates for president will continue to try to squeeze more blood out of this bloodless turnip, which has largely gone either unnoticed or unsaid by the smart set.

Unless the economy tanks, it's really the Democrats' only issue.

Since the leftists began their ascendancy within the Democrat Party with the nomination of George McGovern in 1972, the Democrats can only win the White House with the backdrop of scandal, or economic anxiety.

Thus, unless the economy tanks between now and Election Day 2020, scandal it is for Democrats.

What else are they going to run on? Infanticide? Medicare for all? More MS-13 gangbangers and human traffickers crossing our southern border? Anti-Semitism? The Green New Deal? Gun confiscation? All of their signature issues are loss leaders politically.

There's a reason more people are leaving progressive utopia New York than any other state.

The inconvenient truth for Democrats is they've driven themselves so far Left they're outside the American mainstream on virtually every other issue of consequence.

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