Wednesday, April 24, 2019

About That Census Citizenship Question Case

The case evolved almost immediately after the Department of Commerce which administers the census every ten years announced that they were going to include a question about citizenship on the census short form.

Census takers generally follow up by visiting homes that fail to complete the census form.

Solicitor General Neal Francisco admitted that people within the Census Bureau thought there was no need for the question since they can extrapolate from other metrics- namely, the long form and the American Community Survey- that they can determine the citizen population.

They accurately pointed out that the question was included on census forms up until 1960 and even post-1960 on the long form and the ACS. The argument of New York and others boils down to the belief that the Commerce Department is requiring this question to suppress minority populations, specifically Hispanic minorities where there is a greater chance that respondents to the census may be illegal.

The respondents in this case seem to believe that the Census Bureau is going to turn over information from the census to ICE or some such nonsense.

Further, he noted that to accept New York's overall argument would preclude the Census Bureau from asking a citizenship question on the long form or the ACS. The response was: but we need that information to determine if inclusion on the short form alters responses.

Kavanaugh noted that several other countries require an answer to a citizenship question on their census forms and that the UN even encourages it.

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