Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Federal Accountants: Medicare Insolvent By 2026. Democrats: Let's Expand It and Make it Mandatory For All.

It's once again time to update the grim math demonstrating that two of the US government's biggest programs - Medicare and Social Security, which combined to account for nearly 40 percent of all federal spending in 2017 - are going insolvent.

Democrats have ling been outright denialists, demagoguing and lying about any GOP attempts to shore up the programs, and ludicrously arguing that both should be significantly expanded.

The latest report from the government's overseers of Medicare and Social Security show the financial condition of the bedrock retirement programs for middle- and working-class Americans remains shaky.

Worse, as I mentioned above, half of Washington wants to hugely expand these programs.

Democrats have been talking about expanding Social Security, and "Medicare for All" is now a mainstream, if not dominant, policy position among elected Democrats and their party's 2020 presidential field.

Accountants: Our two biggest entitlement programs are going insolvent.

Democrats: Let's take those two programs, massively expand them, figure out pesky fiscal details later, and then - hear us out - we'll be legends.


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