Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Collusion Dream Is Dead But The Conspiracy Lives On

  1. The uncomfortable reality is that we spent two years being fed the most irresponsible allegations advanced by an ignorant punditocracy gone savage for this idea, which should raise all sorts of questions about our political, intelligence, and media elites who sold us this crazy story and promised the American people the proof that never came.
  2. At the end of the Robert Mueller investigation now clearly staffed and advanced by partisans who loathe this president not one single American, after all that, has been indicted or charged with any crime for conspiring with the Russians in any way, shape, or form to steal the 2016 election.
  3. He wasn’t wrong! The cloud created by this investigation in the aftermath of Comey’s utterly deserved firing (for incompetence above all else, but it’s just as justified for any reason, including being an Emo Giraffe) would hamper the administration at every turn, in foreign and domestic politics, and ultimately became a constant battle for the president throughout the past two years.
  4. But at the end of the day, no laws were clearly broken, so Mueller, like Comey before him, decided to reach a “no exoneration” conclusion that smears the target of the investigation without advancing a legal argument for his indictment kicking the matter instead to Congress, where politicians are left with a partial roadmap to impeachment, but hardly enough fuel for that train.

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