Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Iran Hopes For a Return Of U.S. Democrats

Mr. Trump has been tightening the screws on Iran.

Bottom line, Iran must renounce ambitions that harm America and our allies and interests not to mention the Iranian people.

The administration calculates that any resulting spike in oil prices will be offset by increased production from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Irans regional archenemies.

With the mayhem in Venezuela and Libya, to name but two troubled oil producers, Irans absence could make a significant dent in energy markets and no president wants to enter a reelection year with rising gasoline prices.

They hear top Democratic contenders Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris announce that, if elected, they would return to the Iran deal hook, line and sinker.

All Rouhani & Co. need to do is fend off Revolutionary Guard hotheads and convince the supreme leader that Senator Sanders, or someone like him, will deliver Iran from Mr. Trumps wrath.

Under its current terms, the nuclear deal allows Iran in the next decade to resume uranium enrichment with fast-spinning centrifuges and to employ other state-of- the-art nuclear techniques which the Islamic Republic was permitted to keep researching while its nuclear program was supposedly put on ice.

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