Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Heroes of the Mueller Report

Mueller saw a surer path for charging President Donald Trump based on alleged acts of obstruction of justice - a path that opened because Trump fired FBI Director James Comey.

Rather than list the few areas where Trump overstepped, the report presented a laundry list of possible obstruction, starting with the 2016 campaign.

As for former FBI Director Comey, whose firing by Trump provided the pretext for naming Robert Mueller as special counsel, he bears a dubious role in this time suck of a story.

A lot of them are lawyers such as Don McGahn, the White House counsel who refused Trump's demand that he fire Mueller.

Mueller repeatedly noted that Trump did not hinder prosecutors' discovery - and that made it very difficult to claim Trump tried to impede the Mueller investigation.

At one point, Trump told Corey Lewandowski, his first campaign manager who never took a job in the Trump administration, to push Sessions to "Recuse" himself or Trump would fire Sessions.

For me, the most ironic part of the report is that it exposes a president whose base adores him for his bravado and refusal to back down even as it becomes clear that Trump has remained in office thanks to the good graces of establishment types, whom the base scorns as too squishy.

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