Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Why the Census Citizenship Question Matters

Much noise has been made about reinstating a citizenship question on the 2020 census, the subject of Tuesday's Supreme Court arguments.

The objections to the citizenship question revolve around unjustified hysteria and the unfortunate, but growing, notion that citizenship doesn't matter.

The arguments against the citizenship question mirror those rejected by the Supreme Court in the Trump v. Hawaii entry ban case last year: "It's lawful for any administration to do this, just not this administration."

To make their case, the plaintiffs and the lower courts in this case rely on estimates by Census Bureau staff that a citizenship question will cause millions of immigrants to go uncounted.

As the Census Bureau's chief scientist testified at trial: "There's no credible quantitative evidence that the addition of a citizenship question will affect the accuracy of the count."

The only difference with the citizenship question is the fear and loathing fomented by its critics, which may worsen the undercount they so decry.

What of legitimate purposes of the citizenship question? It is premised on what should be an anodyne idea: that citizenship still matters.


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