Saturday, April 20, 2019

Stolen Archives Show the True History of Russia Collusion

Because the C.C. documents demonstrate, irrefutably, that the American Establishment was the one willingly and repeatedly colluding with Russia - an inconvenient fact.

Random House said it would publish it but then demanded that Bukovsky fundamentally alter its content - downplay the infiltration of the West by Russia! Show how insignificant Russian actions were! - that Bukovsky had to walk away.

Naturally, such history and context would have helped Americans immeasurably toward understanding the Russia hoax over the last few years.

How can anyone take these clowns in the media seriously? One day, they are literally censoring one of the pre-eminent experts on Russia in the entire world, telling him he's insane to warn about collusion with Russia; the next, they want to put Trump in jail with no evidence.

This documented collusion between Carter and Russia is worse than anything Trump is even accused of.

Carter secretly colluded with Russia to limit America's nuclear weapons!

Just as it has always been, the real Russia collusion today is taking place with Democrats.

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