Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Tom Perez Hypocrisy: No One Is Above the Law

Tom Perez: No one - not even President Trump - is above the law following Mueller report revelations.

"Secretary Clinton denied publicly that she transmitted classified information and violated government policy, both of which proved untrue. Secretary Clinton's lawyers made their own determinations as to which of the emails on her server were government records and deleted the remainder - tens of thousands of documents," Cornyn wrote Tuesday.

Rep. Mike Turner became the first Republican to call for a new, independent investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of email during her years at the State Department, saying in a statement that the defunct independent counsel statute should be revived to "Make an independent and impartial decision" about whether Clinton should be charged.

Sen. Lindsey Graham called Thursday for Congress to create a special counsel to probe the FBI and Justice Department, saying evidence is mounting that they treated Hillary Clinton more leniently than they did President Trumpduring the 2016 election campaign.

Time after time after time one senator or congressman after another - not to mention Sean Hannity and so many others - have made the exact case that Perez claims to be making: that "Justice is blind and no one is above the law." And yet Perez has been quieter than a church mouse under anesthesia.

In short, Tom Perez, in the most cynical style possible, has just vividly illustrated that he doesn't believe a single word he says when saying that "Justice is blind and no one is above the law."

There is one set of rules for President Trump - and another set of rules entirely for Hillary Clinton and all of Tom Perez's friends.


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