Title IX was originally designed to ensure equal access to education, but it has evolved into a tool for identity politics in schools. The hope is that the Trump Administration will reverse changes made by Biden's Education Department, especially the Title IX rule issued in April, which has faced legal challenges in many states. Critics argue that Trump may be labeled as anti-woman for these changes, but if he focuses on stopping sexual identity politics, he could resolve many controversies surrounding Title IX.
Title IX was established in 1972 to ban sex discrimination in federally funded education, emerging from earlier equal opportunity efforts. However, it has been misused by some feminists to demand equal funding for female sports, even if participation is low. The law’s definitions have broadened, with harassment and a hostile environment becoming subjective terms that can lead to Title IX complaints over innocent actions. Past administrations, particularly Obama’s, pushed these definitions further, compromising due process rights and resulting in unfair campus adjudications.
Under Biden, Title IX was further radicalized by redefining "sex" to include sexual orientation and gender identity, which has led to conflicts in women's sports. Though Biden’s regulation has been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, Trump's administration could reinstate previous guidelines that protect due process while supporting accusers.
Trump’s potential actions include reissuing the DeVos rule, which was more favorable to accused individuals and upheld in courts, and invalidating questionable agreements made under Biden's administration. Many of these agreements impose demands that exceed legal requirements and are politically driven.
The author warns that the issue of identity politics isn't limited to Title IX and pervades broader education policy with terms like "diversity, equity, and inclusion. " This politicization has negatively impacted students' learning in essential subjects. Therefore, the call is for Trump to eliminate these ideologies, restore genuine education, and become a champion for parents and the nation.
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