Monday, August 26, 2024

Three years after withdrawal, Taliban rules Afghanistan

This week will mark the three-year anniversary of President Joe Biden’s chaotic and deadly withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

“This is the closest they’ve been to it.” But he added that that grip is “tenuous” and “devolving.” In the July before the withdrawal, Biden said that Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was “not inevitable and that he trusted Afghanistan’s government.

He added that Biden left them “as the best armed terrorist state in the history of the world.” An eventual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has long been on the table as a possibility for both parties, but letting the country fall back into the hands of the Taliban was at one time considered unthinkable and eventually became expected by many experts.

“Gallup surveys have found that 96% of Afghan women are suffering under the Taliban, and most do not feel that women in Afghanistan are treated with respect."

“The Taliban never really had entirety of control over Afghanistan,” Greenway said.

Biden committed on the campaign trail to withdraw U.S. troops, a move supported by his predecessor Donald Trump, but the process left 13 U.S. service members killed and the country within the hands of the Taliban.

The Taliban held a military parade featuring U.S. military equipment earlier this month.

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