Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stages of Covid-19 Infection

We have not yet come to terms with the shocking fact that malpractice and inhumane treatments were rampant during the Covid-19 pandemic. Treatment was sometimes especially egregious if the patient was unvaccinated for Covid-19.

In natural Covid infection, the virus enters the body through the nose and mouth.

The spike protein of the virus binds with the ACE2 receptor in the nose and the virus replicates for a few days.

The immune system either takes care of it there, or the virus continues into the lungs and a person becomes symptomatic while continuing to fight the infection.

Covid-19 can be a nasty disease, but from the beginning it had a 99.98% recovery rate, which means most people recover from Covid infection.

We had treatment early on from the very first day in March.

That’s a fabricated lie [to say we didn’t know how to treat Covid].

With the advent of the Omicron variant, Covid became much milder than the original Wuhan and the Delta variants had been.

For many people Covid has not been much more than a cold.

There was treatment for inflammation, there was treatment for blood clotting, there was even treatment that we could try for the virus, there’s treatment for respiratory demise.

Essentially, in a cytokine storm, the immune system attacks the body it was meant to protect.

Severe Covid and the cytokine storms of Wuhan and Delta in 2020-2021: The toxic part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is the spike protein.


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