Monday, August 26, 2024

“Massive scandal” unravels after Biden-Harris regime fabricated 818,000 jobs to fake an abundant economy

“Massive scandal” unravels after Biden-Harris regime fabricated 818,000 jobs to fake an abundant economy The Bureau of Labor Statistics just revised the jobs data to reveal that 818,000 FEWER jobs were created over the last year, contradicting the original report that Biden-Harris used to their advantage to falsely promote their economic prowess.

This data manipulation is massive.

The 818,000 fabricated jobs represent a 30 percent fake boost to the economy, in terms of job creation.

With these fake numbers, Biden-Harris tried to take credit for presiding over a robust and growing economy; but the truth is, more people are losing their jobs at a time when most people need two or three jobs just to make ends meet.

Essentially, the Biden-Harris administration attempted to boost the jobs report by 30 percent, advertising a jobs report that boasted 2.9 million new jobs, year to year.

This government has destroyed jobs in record numbers, dishonored our men and women in uniform.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is calling this data manipulation a “massive scandal.” Trump accused the Biden-Harris regime of being “caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics to hide the true extent of the Economic Ruin they have inflicted upon America.” Rob Wilson, President of Employco USA, criticized the Labor Department's performance, stating, "We knew when there was a delay that the numbers weren't going to be good.

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