Tuesday, August 27, 2024

China's strategic silver takeover: A calculated move to drain the west

Analysts warn that the growing demand for silver, coupled with limited supply, could lead to a "silver squeeze" similar to the silver squeeze of 1980.

China, through a series of calculated moves, has been quietly accumulating vast quantities of gold and silver.

Silver price in China as of today: 32.77 USD/Oz The Implications for the West The rising price of silver could have significant implications for Western economies, particularly those that rely heavily on industrial metals.

While the world has been focused on the geopolitical tensions between China and the West, a more subtle battle has been unfolding in the global financial markets.

India has also been a major buyer of silver, importing significant quantities from the West in recent years.

This move has signaled a potential shift in the global economic landscape and highlights the developing countries’ need for exorbitant amounts of resources.

The U.S. came seventh on the list of top silver reserves, with a stockpile with 23,000 MT, behind Poland (65,000 MT), Russia (45,000 MT), Australia (27,000 MT) and Chile (26,000 MT). 


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