Monday, August 26, 2024

Embattled North Carolina election board facing more litigation

Embattled in litigation this summer already, North Carolina’s State Board of Elections is now defending against the state Republican Party and the Republican National Committee.

The law placed North Carolina with 30 other states requiring all absentee ballots to be in election board offices by Election Day.

State Board staff have worked diligently with the clerks of Superior Court across North Carolina since that provision became law last month.” He said the state board is complying as it can while also managing a federal law that “forbids the state from outright removing registrants from the rolls based on statewide processes if the process cannot be completed within 90 days before a federal election, which was August 7.” Gannon said Republican legislative staff have been briefed on compliance plans, going back to last November.

Litigation was filed Thursday in Wake County Superior Court.

The board is accused of failing to ensure lawful removal from voter rolls those people identified as noncitizens of the United States that registered to vote.

One example is potential jurors and clerks of Superior Court communicating information to the state board.

He went on to say the board of elections "has chosen to blatantly ignore the law, undermine basic election safeguards, and neglect a fundamental principle of our election integrity."

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