Tuesday, August 27, 2024

What the Media Says about Homeschooling

You would think that the growing popularity of homeschooling in the United States would be in more news headlines.

Estimates from the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) reveal a staggering increase in the number of homeschool students since the 1970s—by a factor of 238.

A Washington Post article quotes a Harvard law professor: “Policymakers should think, ‘Wow — this is a lot of kids.

Source: National Home Education Research Institute The articles on this phenomenon in the corporate press are scant and most of them feature heaping doses of state paternalism and fear-mongering.

For anyone who is interested in the dignity of human life, in the progress and development of the individual in a free society, the choice between parental and State control over the children is clear.

Of course, many homeschool parents, who are overwhelmingly skeptical of the institution of public education, would view that as a positive.

Of course, there was a surge in homeschooling during the Covid lockdowns, when many public schools either went completely virtual or implemented harsh measures that severely limited both learning and student satisfaction. 


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