Wednesday, August 28, 2024

NY Times Turns On Kamala! Publishes NUMEROUS OpEds on ‘Weak,’ ‘Phony’ and ‘Ignorant’ Democrat Nominee

The Old Gray Lady turned on Kama-Kama-Kama Kama-chamelion.

We didn’t expect this on our 2024 bingo card!

Has The New York Times turned on Kamala, the nation’s most unpopular vice president?

The Times on Friday posted a hit on Kamala Harris titled, “Joy is Not a Strategy.” Then, on Monday, The NY Times published an op-ed titled, “Trump Can win on character,” something that must have made the leftist elites vomit in their mouths.

On Monday night, former Biden spox Jen Psaki faced a harsh reality when Don Lemon told her that “no one” knows who Kamala Harris is in the swing states he visited last week.

To read and listen to their florid praise is to believe that Harris is already a shoo-in for president – and not an 11th hour replacement as Democratic nominee… …The reliably liberal New York Times was among the first to suddenly change tack on Friday, taking aim at what many perceive to be Harris’s fatal lack of clear policy with a brutal headline that read: ‘Joy Is Not a Strategy’.

On Monday, the newspaper published a guest essay titled ‘Trump can win on character’, by conservative commentator Rich Lowry.

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