Tuesday, August 27, 2024

A Foundation Has Been Bribing Cities to Free Criminals

Something interesting is going on in San Francisco where DA Brooke Jenkins, a black woman who ousted the former pro-crime Chesa Boudin and promised to actually enforce the law, is taking on the MacArthur Foundation.

The MacArthur Foundation is one of them.

Under DA Chesa Boudin’s reign of terror, the MacArthur Foundation had been providing sizable amounts of money to the SF DA’s office to keep criminals on the loose.

Now the MacArthur Foundation warned that it wouldn’t provide $625,000 to the DA’s office until it shows it is “fully committed to the goals and strategies” of the foundation.

In a clean political system, voters make policy.

“Our office has a mission to protect the safety of all those who live, work and visit San Francisco, and while we believe in the mission of identifying alternatives to incarceration, we must achieve it in a manner that does not come at the expense of the safety of our city.” What is deeply troubling about this exchange is that an organization was able to bribe a DA’s office to free criminals in the first place.

The Foundation complains that there are too many criminals in jail instead of on the streets. 


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