Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Garland Makes An Example Of J6 Protesters To Shut Up Anyone Else Who Might Question Elections

Attorney General Merrick Garland boasted on Friday how his office has prosecuted nearly 1,500 Americans for protesting the 2020 election, warning others they may face similar lawfare should they raise any concerns about the administration of the upcoming November election.

Speaking at a press briefing, Garland essentially said the Jan. 6 prosecutions should serve to remind Americans what happens if they raise questions about an election.

The state Supreme Court dismissed the petition as “moot,” though it did signal a similar challenge could be brought by the state should an election not be certified this election cycle.

Three board members initially chose not to certify the results over allegations of suspicious behavior made during a public comment portion of a board meeting.

Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar and Attorney General Aaron D. Ford filed a petition in July with the state Supreme Court to force Washoe County to certify the results of two recount primary races.

“I think our prosecutions have made clear what we think about people who try to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, which is [an] essential and fundamental element of our democracy.

Ten days later, the Democrat Party of Georgia sent a letter to the entire Fulton County board warning that, should board members not certify election results, they could face criminal charges. 


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