Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Corrupt Media Are Rabid Democrat Stenographers

The American media were not always utterly biased.

Unfortunately, in the last fifty years, the media have increasingly become tools of the Democrat Party.

Decades ago, most reporters aimed for objectivity.

They don’t fear lies.

In the early 1970’s, the mainstream media worked feverishly to destroy President Richard Nixon and succeeded in forcing him to resign.

While Nixon and Reagan received horrific media treatment, Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were treated much differently.

These reporters will attempt to blur her far-left record and focus on her appeal to “joy” and “good vibes.’ Kennedy referred to the transition of the American media from “maintaining that posture of fierce skepticism of authority” and being a “guardian of the First Amendment and democratic principles” into becoming “government mouthpieces and stenographers for the organs of power” and joining “this systemic attack on democracy.” The media have regressed from government watchdogs into government lapdogs, akin to Pravda during the height of the Soviet Union. 


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