Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Behind the DNC’s Trojan horse campaign

 Harris’ Trojan horse campaign will continue to hide behind rich celebrities, cringey memes, and happy talk from the Obamas — but Americans should know the dangers of what Kamala Harris is attempting to slip through the gates of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Last week, Democrat power players delivered a succession of self-congratulatory speeches at the Democratic National Convention, riddled with the-best-is-yet-to-come buzzwords like “change,” “joy,” and even “wonderfully magical.” After Democrats dethroned our incoherent sitting president, these self-described “defenders of democracy” have installed Kamala Harris at the top of the Democratic Party ticket — without a single voter casting a ballot to put her there.

Which raises the question: Where has hope been over the last four years of Harris’ administration?

Even DNC “freedom” branding can’t mask the most extensive overreach of federal power to date.

The convention quickly disposed of Biden on the first night.

As their record shows, they want to concentrate power and expand federal control over virtually every aspect of American life.

Tim Walz, shows her administration would move our country even farther to the left — not toward the center as her shrouded campaign would have voters believe.

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