Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Pro-Palestine INSURRECTION at Democrat National Convention in Chicago – Where are the FBI and police with pipe bombs and tear gas, and mass arrests to follow like Jan. 6?

Pro-Palestine INSURRECTION at Democrat National Convention in Chicago – Where are the FBI and police with pipe bombs and tear gas, and mass arrests to follow like Jan. 6?

Welcome to Chicago, where chaos erupted on the very FIRST DAY of the Demoncrat National Convention, but of course, there will be no serious charges brought to anyone, because that’s reserved for white people who don’t like communists who steal American elections and take over the “White” House in Washington DC.

What Democrat and Liberal civilians don’t understand is that the Democrat politicians don’t care about people at all, any of them.

Oh, how the party of joy and “no discrimination” has blown up in their own face, as humans that support Palestine and don’t like US-and-Israel funded genocide arrive at the DNC ready to FIGHT for their rights, peace and humanitarianism.

Where were the FBI and local police with their pipe bombs, pepper spray and guns ablaze, killing innocent protesters who despise criminal politicians?

Remember, the DC Communists put people in prison for so much as thinking about defying their dictatorship.

Why not, because it works on patriots who protest crooked elections, right? 


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