Thursday, August 29, 2024

Can We Entrust The Future Of This Country To Politicians That Are Constantly Flip-Flopping In A Desperate Attempt To Get Votes?

 All over America, Democrats deeply hate Republicans and Republicans deeply hate Democrats.

Voters have come to tolerate a certain level of inconsistency in our politicians, but Kamala Harris is taking things to an entirely new level that we have never seen before.

How can we trust someone that will literally say anything to get elected?

All she cares about is getting elected.

Of course Donald Trump has not exactly been a model of consistency either.

Let’s eliminate that,” Harris wrote in 2019.

She is disavowing a whole host of far-left positions that she previously deeply believed in, and she is trying to convince all of us that she is now a “moderate” that is deeply in touch with what the American people truly want.

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