Thursday, August 1, 2024

Richmond Virginia Ignores Residents, Turns School Building Into Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

Last Monday, July 22nd at Richmond City Hall, the full City Council voted unanimously to sell a neglected school building on the edge of the city for $10 to the national abortion promoter and business Planned Parenthood.

Last year, the Richmond City Council voted on a resolution to encourage the development of new abortion facilities within the city limits in the wake of the Dobbs decision.

The resolution called for the Virginia General Assembly to protect and expand abortion access in the state, and Mayor Levar Stoney and the city's human services department extended their support to Virginia League for Planned Parenthood, which worked with the city to identify the Chamberlayne site as a suitable location for a new clinic.

Virginia League of Planned Parenthood communications director Rae Pickett stated that they have seen a 30% rise in out of state visits and an 85% increase in abortions since 2020.

If Planned Parenthood does build on this location, it will mean that there will be six abortion facilities inside the city lines and one more just outside in Henrico County.

This Planned Parenthood proposal means that they can now raise the money needed to build a new multi-million-dollar facility that will distribute chemical abortion drugs as well as perform surgical abortions.

Perhaps the most alarming factor of the City's plan is the harsh reality that the city of Richmond is currently in the path of dangerous and unsavory traffickers who use the U.S. 95 corridor as a primary route.

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