Monday, August 26, 2024

RFK Jr. Exposes Cancer Links To Seed Oils & Processed Foods on Mainstream TV

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made an appearance on “Fox & Friends Weekend” this week detailing his pledge to expose the food industry’s plot to make the nation severely ill. RFK Jr. explained the how seed oils and processed foods are carcinogenic and are only allowed in the U.S. due to corporate food interests bribing government regulators.

“Seed oils are one of the most unhealthy ingredients that we have in foods,” he said.

RFK Jr. also exposed the harmful effects of food coloring, “natural flavors” and pesticides found in the U.S. food supply, highlighting that “almost a thousand chemicals in our food” are banned in Europe.

It’s one of the worst things you can eat.” “If you eat any processed food, you’re going to be eating seed oil,” he said.

“The reason they’re in the foods is because they’re heavily subsidized.” reports: “They’re very, very cheap but they are associated with all kinds of very serious illnesses, including body-wide inflammation which affects all of our health.

75% of the FDA funding doesn’t come from taxpayers.

“And they all have an interest in subsidies and then mass poisoning the American public.” As for pesticides, RFK Jr. lamented that most produce in the U.S., including kale, strawberries and grapes are “contaminated” with them. 

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