Monday, August 26, 2024

40 Days for Life calls on IRS to assess if Planned Parenthood violated non profit rules after stint at DNC

Earlier this week, 40 Days for Life called on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to determine whether Planned Parenthood violated tax-exempt rules for nonprofits by offering free abortions via its mobile “health” clinic at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

40 Days for Life argued that while the Hatch Act Advisory Opinion, dated July 14, 2020, suggests that using terms like “Black Lives Matter” by federal employees does not necessarily count as political activity, Planned Parenthood’s actions this August, which involve providing services at a political event, “are starkly different from permissible lobbying.” “In conclusion, the IRS should assess whether Planned Parenthood’s activities violate the prohibitions against political activities and otherwise under Law and Rule,” 40 Days for Life’s complaint reads.

According to the pro-life organization, Planned Parenthood’s actions, including advertising and providing free services at a political rally for one party and its candidates, suggest an endorsement of that party and its platform, which is a violation of restrictions on political activities for nonprofit organizations under I.R.C. Section 501(c)(3).

40 Days for Life highlighted that as a tax-exempt organization, Planned Parenthood must avoid any direct or indirect involvement in political campaigns that endorse or oppose candidates or platforms, particularly those for the President and Vice President of the United States.

“Political campaigning substantially diverges from the permissible activities and could result in revocation of tax-exempt status and possible imposition of related excise taxes.”

“Political campaigning substantially diverges from the permissible activities and could result in revocation of tax-exempt status and possible imposition of related excise taxes,” the complaint stated.

Nonprofits can’t be politically involved, the pro-life organization noted in its complaint to the IRS, which it filed electronically on August 20. 

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