Monday, August 26, 2019

Worries about Justice Ginsburg's health driving the Left to issue threats against Trump replacing her

The news that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been treated for a recurrence of pancreatic cancer has the Left in a tizzy.

Should President Trump be able to name a replacement for her and the GOP majority Senate confirm that nominee, the Court will have a 5 or 6 vote majority for originalism - actually following what the Constitution says, not what Liberals imagine it should have said.

This prospect led David Axelrod warn that progressives will tear the country apart if the Constitution is followed, should Justice Ginsburg succumb before Trump leaves office.

She's a terrible justice and conservatives would love to see her step down.

On an objective level, perhaps Justice Ginsburg should step down, but she has the power not to and therefore it's silly to whine about her not doing it.

We have the power to shove a new conservative Supreme Court justice down the Dems' throats, so it's silly to argue with the libs about it.

I admire Justice Ginsburg's tenacity and strength against the ailments that bedevil her.

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