Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Lefty media rushes to puff up Elizabeth Warren

Want to write a puff piece about the fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren?

So the fake Indian follows and says, I'll raise you, Bernie - how's $20 trillion in handouts sound?

Many of these love-struck mash notes to the fake Indian are appearing in magazines that you assumed had gone out of business long ago.

Like GQ. Here is GQ's recent swooning description of the fake Indian: "Tall and wiry she's got that kind of pert friendliness stretched taut around a core of steel both the chipper façade and the steel guts feel genuine."

Speaking of bullcrap, as embarrassingly awful as all of the above is, there's even worse "Coverage" of the fake Indian out there.

See, as worthless as magazines like GQ and New Republic have become, newspaper theater critics are even more irrelevant.

It turns out that the Washington Post sent out its "Theater critic," someone named Peter Marks, to review a speech by Fake-agawea in Tempe, Ariz. Guess what - he out-Globed the Globe.

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