Wednesday, August 28, 2019

While Celebrities Pass Off Fake Pictures Of Burning Amazon, Here's What The Raging Fires Actually Look Like

The tens of thousands of fires burning in the Amazon right now have caught the attention of environmentalists, politicians and celebrities alike.

Many of them have been spreading bad information in the form of decades-old pictures and incorrect facts, such as the claim that the Amazon is the "Lungs of the world," according to Forbes.

"The Amazon rain forest - the lungs which produce 20% of our planet's oxygen - is on fire," tweeted French President Emanuel Macron.

The Amazon Rainforest produces more than 20% of the world's oxygen and its been burning for the past 3 weeks.

While the fires raging in the Amazon are undoubtedly concerning, "The photos weren't actually of the fires and many weren't even of the Amazon," according to Forbes.

As the New York Times noted on Friday, "These fires were not caused by climate change," nor is the Amazon the "Lungs of the world."

Also debunked is a claim by CNN that the fires are burning at a record rate, as well as a claim by a leading climate reporter that "The current fires are without precedent in the past 20,000 years."

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