Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2020 Dem Candidates Attack Trump Over Puerto Rico While Benefitting From The Island's Crippling Debt

Multiple 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have accepted money from individual donors working at hedge funds with a stake in Puerto Rico's crippling debt.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand have collected a total of $26,550 in donations while criticizing President Donald Trump about Puerto Rico.

Some 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have attacked President Donald Trump over issues in Puerto Rico, but haven't returned campaign donations from employees of hedge funds that have invested in its debt.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand have spoken out against Trump and his reluctance to help Puerto Rico with aid packages, but have benefitted from its crippling debt.

While going after Trump for his reluctance to sign a $19.1 billion disaster relief bill for Puerto Rico, Biden has received $25,350 in campaign contributions from individuals working at the hedge funds, according to FEC filings.

"Over the past few weeks, Puerto Rico has gone through a democratic uprising, with people from all races, creeds and ages demanding their right to a better future," the open letter to Democratic candidates reads.

"You can either stand with the people of Puerto Rico or with the hedge funds that have harmed Puerto Rico. You can't do both. If you return the donations these hedge funds have given you, it will send a strong message that you support the political and economic empowerment of Puerto Ricans."

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