Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bernie Sanders' Red Roots Are Starting To Show

Sen. Bernie Sanders has said publicly that he doesn't believe government should own the means of production.

2015 Sanders is also inconsistent with the Sanders of spring 2019, who, according to People's World, which claims to be the "Voice for progressive change and socialism" in America, "Will propose workers take ownership of individual plants and businesses, removing them from the hands of the bosses and financiers who back them."

Last week Sanders appeared on MSNBC, where he seemed to agree with the host that nationalization of electricity production is necessary.

While discussing "How power is generated and distributed," Chris Hayes told Sanders "You propose essentially a takeover of the whole thing. Essentially a Tennessee Valley Authority extension for the whole country. Am I understanding that correctly?".

Showing an even deeper affinity for the hard left, Sanders on Tuesday declared that China has made "More progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization."

Sanders is well-known for supporting other socialist struggles, such as his crusade for Medicare for All, his fondness for Daniel Ortega's Sandinista government in Nicaragua, and his admiration for Fidel Castro's "Workers' paradise."

Sanders tried to run away from his red roots during the 2016 election cycle because he knew the country wouldn't vote for an outright socialist.

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