Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Fellow presidential candidate Robert "Beto" O'Rourke agrees, saying Donald Trump himself is a white supremacist, which Merriam-Webster defines as "a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races." Such an extreme claim about a president of the United States has no precedent in modern history.

America herself, according to virtually every Democratic presidential contender, as well as much of the elite media, is a deeply and malignantly racist nation.

In reality - as the August issue of Whistleblower magazine winningly documents - in no other nation on earth does skin color and ethnicity mean less than they do in America.

The highly inspirational issue is titled, "THE LEAST RACIST NATION ON EARTH: Democrats' indictment of America as bigoted and oppressive couldn't be more wrong."

"Why would they do that, if America really is the oppressive racist hellhole today's Democrats and media cohorts insist it is?".

"This issue of Whistleblower," concludes Kupelian, "Simultaneously annihilates the left's indictment of America as a racist pariah, and shows instead how and why it remains the most free, successful and color-blind nation on earth."


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