Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Omar Turns Her Back on Somaliland's Aspiration for Freedom

"Happy Independence Day Somalia," Omar tweeted on July 1st. "Somalia hanoolaato," she added, which means "Long live Somalia." Omar should have included a shout-out to Israel, the country she loves to bash as racist and colonialist, for being the first of 34 countries, including the United States, that recognized Somaliland after it gained independence from the United Kingdom on June 26, 1960.

Things did not go as smoothly for Somaliland as its people had hoped for in their yearning to be free, something that Omar neglected to mention in her celebration of her homeland's independence.

The people of Somaliland also aspire for more than remaining tied to the corrupt regime that Omar and her family managed to escape from.

The Somaliland people have not been as lucky as Omar.

On the other hand, Israel, the country that Omar loves to hate, reportedly put out feelers nearly a decade ago indicating its willingness to consider restoring its recognition of Somaliland as an independent state - this time, independent from the Mogadishu regime.

Abdirahman M. Dirye is a Somaliland activist and Senior Editor at The Democracy Chronicles, African news edition who wrote that "Other Somalis hate Somaliland for its pronounced stand with suffering Jews." He added, "Somaliland needs not only Israeli economic and military assistance to remain a bulwark against growing terror in the Horn of Africa but also needs world Jews to stand by Somaliland's outright independence."

She has turned her back on the people of Somaliland who deserve to be free from the corrupt regime to the south.

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