Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Investigation: 2020 Dems Took Foreign-Linked Cash In Congressional Races

Under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, also known as FARA, any American or American company that performs political activities-such as lobbying, public relations, or propaganda-on behalf of a foreign entity must register with the U.S. government as a foreign agent.

During her successful 2016 primary campaign, Harris took $1,000 from Justin Gray, who had been registered as a lobbyist for the Moroccan government since February 2014.

During the same campaign, five lobbyists from the Podesta Group registered as agents of Azerbaijan, India, Georgia, Kosova, Iraq, Japan, Somalia, and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council gave Harris's campaign a collective $4,750.

Harris's primary campaign also took smaller donations, totaling $750, from registered agents of Saint Lucia, Malawi, Guinea, and Sri Lanka.

On his FARA filing, Reeder reported his political donations over the previous two months, including $2,700 to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, and $200 to the failed Senate primary campaign of Joe Sestak, another 2020 presidential candidate.

Booker's two Senate re-election campaign committees have received a total of $86,150 from employees of Greenberg Traurig LLP-more than any other 2020 candidate-making them the fifth-largest source of contributions for his Senate campaign.

Some of these donors may not be affiliated with the firm's foreign lobbying operations, as Reeder is the only one among them registered as a foreign agent.

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