Thursday, August 29, 2019

American Politicians Can't Hide “Private Lives”, Ilhan Omar

Ilhan Omar's alleged affair with a married man in her employ is not strictly her personal business or guaranteed airtight protection under the claim of it being her "Private life".

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar obviously thinks that being a "Woman of color" grants her the privilege of keeping her "Personal life" off the public radar screen-a status that doesn't exist for American politicians, 'women of color' or not.

In the case of active "Squad" member, Ilhan Omar, the man with whom she is allegedly 'romantically' connected, was paid some $240,000-in less than one year-to create her phony digital image.

Rep Omar is currently in a state of denial about her alleged affair with her consultant/employee, Tim Mynett, a married Washington, D.C., consultant.

"The parties physically separated on or about April 7, 2019, when Defendant told Plaintiff that he was romantically involved with and in love with another woman, Ilhan Omar, who serves as a U.S. representative from Minnesota," read the court filing, obtained by Fox News.

"Rep. Ilhan Omar violated campaign finance law by using campaign funds to pursue an affair with married Democratic consultant Tim Mynett, according to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission Wednesday.

Report says Rep. Ilhan Omar had affair with a married manOnly YOU can save CFP from Social Media Suppression.

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