Friday, August 30, 2019

Despite what's being reported, Trump's economic achievements hard to deny

President Donald Trump now has a net-positive approval rating, and he's gaining support among the very groups Democrats are counting on in 2020, including minorities, young people, and urban voters.

"If Trump wins half of Hispanics and a quarter of African Americans in 2020, Democrats will be in trouble."

Thanks to President Trump's elimination of job-killing regulations and his signature middle-class tax cuts, the jobless rate of almost every demographic group is at or near a record low, as MarketWatch reported in October.

Hispanics, too, have seen their unemployment rate plummet to a record-low 4.2%, as CNS News reported in May. America's ongoing economic vitality is the Achilles heel of the Democratic Party - which is precisely why the Democrat-media complex is so eager to downplay the positive impact of President Trump's policies.

We've been hearing the same unfounded lies and baseless economic prognostications since Trump first took office.

President Trump is right, and his political opponents should be terrified.

Even the most relentless Democratic disinformation campaign can't stop the American people from recognizing Trump's remarkable economic achievements - and that alone will be enough to carry him to victory in the next presidential election.

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